Laurie Burt HomeBiographyWorkLinksContact
1982 - present
1982 - present
York II, 2001 - 2003
york ii
No longer having any idealistic axe to grind, creative work becomes less urgent. The title of a recent work, 'The Disenchanted Id Dismantled' implies a happy acceptance of the full cycle of a full life. Much of the art I produced seems to have been autobiographical. Bits of the almost destroyed 'Blue Torso, Green Hand' were left around and not wishing to send my 'Pygmalion' into complete oblivion, I enclosed them in a wall box ('Mausoleum 2000') and modelled a miniature reminder of the original as a keepsake. Latterly I rescued the wooden patterns for an aluminium cast of a 1964 mandala work 'Circle, Hand and Heart' and produced two new works. I never considered myself a sculptor in the literal sense of the word, merely someone who strove to make whatever imperative image appeared in his mind.
Laurence Burt - Keepsake Miniature of Blue Torso, Green Hand, 2001
Keepsake Miniature of Blue Torso, Green Hand, 2001
Laurence Burt - The Disenchanted Id Dismantled, 2002
The Disenchanted Id Dismantled, 2002
Laurence Burt - Earth's Heart Poised as Ever on the Edge of Chaos, 2002
Earth's Heart Poised as Ever on the Edge of Chaos, 2002
All text and images ©Laurence Burt, 2000 - 2015